Index of values

array [Toml.Compare]
Given two Toml arrays, return -1, 0 or 1 depending on whether the first is smaller, equal or greater than the second
array [Toml.Printer]
Given a Toml array and a formatter, inserts a valid Toml representation of this value in the formatter.
array [Toml.Value.Of.Array]
array [Toml.Value.Of]
array [Toml.Value.To.Array]
array [Toml.Value.To]

bool [Toml.Value.Of.Array]
bool [Toml.Value.Of]
bool [Toml.Value.To.Array]
Array functions.
bool [Toml.Value.To]

date [Toml.Value.Of.Array]
date [Toml.Value.Of]
date [Toml.Value.To.Array]
date [Toml.Value.To]

float [Toml.Value.Of.Array]
float [Toml.Value.Of]
float [Toml.Value.To.Array]
float [Toml.Value.To]
from_channel [Toml.Parser]
Given an input channel, returns a Toml table.
from_filename [Toml.Parser]
Given a filename, returns a Toml table.
from_string [Toml.Parser]
Given an UTF-8 string, returns a Toml table.

get_array_array [Toml]
get_bool [Toml]
get_bool_array [Toml]
get_date [Toml]
get_date_array [Toml]
get_float [Toml]
get_float_array [Toml]
get_int [Toml]
get_int_array [Toml]
get_string [Toml]
get_string_array [Toml]
get_table [Toml]
get_table_array [Toml]

int [Toml.Value.Of.Array]
int [Toml.Value.Of]
int [Toml.Value.To.Array]
int [Toml.Value.To]

key [Toml]
Turns a string into a table key.

of_array_array [Toml]
of_bool [Toml]
of_bool_array [Toml]
of_date [Toml]
of_date_array [Toml]
of_float [Toml]
of_float_array [Toml]
of_int [Toml]
of_int_array [Toml]
of_string [Toml]
of_string_array [Toml]
of_table [Toml]
of_table_array [Toml]

parse [Toml.Parser]
Given a lexer buffer and a source (eg, a filename), returns a Toml table.

string [Toml.Value.Of.Array]
string [Toml.Value.Of]
string [Toml.Value.To.Array]
string [Toml.Value.To]

table [Toml.Compare]
Given two Toml tables, return -1, 0 or 1 depending on whether the first is smaller, equal or greater than the second
table [Toml.Printer]
Given a Toml table and a formatter, inserts a valid Toml representation of this value in the formatter.
table [Toml.Value.Of.Array]
table [Toml.Value.Of]
table [Toml.Value.To.Array]
table [Toml.Value.To]
to_array_array [Toml]
to_bool [Toml]
to_bool_array [Toml]
to_date [Toml]
to_date_array [Toml]
to_float [Toml]
to_float_array [Toml]
to_int [Toml]
to_int_array [Toml]
to_string [Toml]
to_string_array [Toml]
to_table [Toml]
to_table_array [Toml]

value [Toml.Compare]
Given two Toml values, return -1, 0 or 1 depending on whether the first is smaller, equal or greater than the second
value [Toml.Printer]
Given a Toml value and a formatter, inserts a valid Toml representation of this value in the formatter.